Holding Company - Conveyor Belting Companies - Industrial Plastics Companies

Narviflex NV (Belgium)

Branches in :

  • Geel
  • Gent
  • Liège

Narviflex BV (The Netherlands)

Branches in :

  • Venlo
  • Drachten
  • Rilland (ZBS)

Narviplastx (Belgium)

Branches in :

  • Industrial Plastics Geel
  • Industrial Plastics Gent

Conveyor Belting Production (The Netherlands)

  • Region : Alkmaar

Independent Service Center Conveyor Belting (Belgium)

  • Region : Limburg, Belgium

Strategic Alliance (Belgium)

  • Rindus Transmission Components - Geel
  • Rindus Transmission Components - Gent


Delivery Programme
Overview of the products that the DoNarCo Group produces
Narviflex Conveyor Belting and Plastics Group - English - Med Res.pdf (5.97MB)
Delivery Programme
Overview of the products that the DoNarCo Group produces
Narviflex Conveyor Belting and Plastics Group - English - Med Res.pdf (5.97MB)